Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve got you covered on the most commonly asked questions.
What is GroundTruth?
GroundTruth is the leading location data platform for driving in-store visits. Using its proprietary Blueprints technology, GroundTruth…
How Does Geofencing Advertising Work?
Geofencing Advertising is a form of location-based advertising, where any time a potential customer enters a geographically…
How Does Location-based Advertising Work?
Location-based advertising is the process of serving advertising messages based on location as the targeting parameter. Typically,…
How Accurate is Geofencing?
Accuracy will depend on the type of geofencing employed. Radial geofencing, which is the most common form…
How Much Does Geofencing Cost?
What are the two pricing models for Geofencing campaigns? There are typically two buying models for Geofencing…